Exciting news! TPMA is creating a holistic “game plan” for AmeriCorps program Kentucky College Coaches (KCC). This includes designing a high-quality training curriculum that will result in an apprenticeship or other certification for participants post service as well as a communication and promotion plan for awareness and recruitment. This initiative is an important milestone for KCC on its mission to enhance education outcomes in Kentucky. 

What is Kentucky College Coaches? KCC is a statewide AmeriCorps program that places mentors in both secondary and post-secondary schools to support college access and student success. These AmeriCorps service members are tasked with acting as “coaches” to selected students, helping them be successful in all aspects of their school career.  

KCC is providing an invaluable service for students, educators, and the community at large and TPMA is excited about enhancing their professional development programing to help AmeriCorps members find meaningful employment after their service term.

“We began with a thorough review of existing employability skills programs and frameworks to determine their applicability to KCC AmeriCorps members to ensure they are able to secure employment post-service” say Megan Wagner who serves as an apprenticeship subject matter expert at TPMA.

In addition, to deploy an effective promotion and engagement effort for the program, TPMA is currently meeting with members, program alum, KCC leadership, and other stakeholders to collect narratives and success stories.

“It was insightful to hear from community partners and AmeriCorps members about just how impactful College Coaches are for both mentor and mentee. I’m glad we can help them in their efforts to bring these opportunities to more people in Kentucky” says Brianna Dines, TPMA Consultant who facilitated focus groups.

To learn more about the Kentucky College Coaches program visit Kentucky College Coaches – Kentucky Campus Compact (kycompact.org)