The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) has partnered with Thomas P. Miller & Associates (TPMA) to pilot an Anchor Employer Workforce Housing program for the State of Indiana. The program encourages anchor employers across the state to co-invest into solutions to Indiana’s workforce and housing challenges. The program will result in at least $8 million of investment into housing in each of four communities. Anchor employers proposed housing projects and will benefit from a total of up to $4 million in matched funds across four communities that include Marion, Whitley, Orange and Kosciusko counties.
On November 13-14, IHCDA hosted a two-day launch workshop that TPMA helped facilitate. Over the two days, representatives from Impact CNC (Whitley County), Zimmer Biomet (Kosciusko County), IU Health (Marion County), and French Lick Resort (Orange County) shared and refined proposed workforce housing projects. Each project team identified a major need in their communities and proposed solutions that blend programming with affordable housing development tailored to the needs of their local workforce. TPMA helped teams identify key milestones and key program evaluation needs. The two-day workshop culminated in a presentation given by each project team to an audience that included state representatives, state agencies, and the Lt. Governor.