On behalf of the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC), TPMA is managing the procurement of services to re-design, develop, and deploy a new website www.thinkmoco.com . The RFP is attached below.

As the contracted entity to lead this procurement process, TPMA serves as a “separate and independent outside entity to conduct the competition” for this contract. TPMA will review all submitted proposals and evaluate them on a scale coordinated and agreed upon by MCEDC. Based on its evaluation, TPMA will submit its selection, along with a description of the selection process and scoring justification, to MCEDC leadership for approval.

For questions related to this procurement, please contact Steven Gause, Director of Strategy and Growth Initiatives, at sgause@tpma-inc.com.

Action Date
RFP Issued 7.25.23
RFP Pre-proposal Conference 8.9.23
Proposal Deadline (email only) 8.18.23 by Midnight Eastern Time
Interviews (if applicable) Week of 8.21.23
TPMA Recommendation to MCEDC 8.28.23
Contract Approved and Executed 8.31.23
Services Eligible to Begin 9.1.23

To view RFP Website Re-design, Development, and Deployment documents, CLICK HERE

Watch the Bidder’s Conference HERE