As the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) is ending its first four-year State Plan cycle, it’s time for each State to begin working on its new unified or combined state plan for submission by Spring 2020. The new planning cycle is an opportunity for states to think beyond compliance and examine lessons learned from the first four-year plan in order to continue promoting cohesive workforce development systems and taking strategy to the next level.

TPMA is eager to partner with you. As WIOA subject matter experts, TPMA staff have worked with multiple states on planning and technical assistance efforts across the country including Colorado, District of Columbia, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Oregon, and South Carolina. Additionally, we have a detailed knowledge of the Perkins V legislation that was reauthorized in 2018 and may present an opportunity for coordinated planning. We help clients think outside the box to ensure that their operations are supporting system-wide strategic vision, goals, and collaborative partnerships.

Our approach begins with the understanding that this planning process is an opportunity to foster meaningful collaboration. As partners in the planning process, we will:

  • Review previous plans among partners to understand what worked, what didn’t, what can be accelerated, and what areas can be improved
  • Coordinate partners to create (or update) a cohesive vision and set of goals
  • Help agencies connect with stakeholders to gather input and feedback into how the workforce system is operating across the state
  • Streamline the plan creation process to allow clients to focus on the strategic aspect of the plan

Contact us today to learn how TPMA can partner with you to fully leverage your State planning process.